I flipped through the Cleo mag again today..and guess what I found..a really pretty painterly prints dress..which can be worn out day and night..cool huhh..I fall in love with the tiered asymmetrical dress from Envee which costs RM219..and a V neck shift dress from Sissley.The painterly print is a must have item for my wardrobe..and I plan to get a piece of it soon..really-really soon.Or..maybe I can just enjoy the 70% off...of RM219..it means..RM65.70..woww..Times Square huhh..or somewhere around BB there..it won't be exactly the same when we talk about the quality..but..go to hell with the quality..all I wanted to have now is a painterly print dress..I don't give a damn on the quality as long as it is not made from nylon..well..I am a cotton freak..cotton makes me happy..who doesn't love cotton..I must give a big Thank You to the Cleo for introducing me to this wicked print...at least I now have an outfit for a day-working and night party..in a day.There is no need for me to rush home for the party after working..simply just glide my lip gloss and do a quick touch-up..yeayy..I am ready to hit the dance floor..
Talking about the party..its been quite long that I didn't shake my ass on the dance floor..I am not busy doing something else,.but the truth is I have to forgone the party since my Donut always be beside me..hugging and kissing me..the best moment other than going to the party.Plus..Donut would never agree of the idea 'letting me to the club'..he would non-stop texting me..and calling me though he already knew that its hard for me to answer his answer..yaa..I don't have that super power ear to hear the phone ringing whilst its in my bag..come on Hunny..forget about it..one thing I know is..Donut is coming back really soon..and seriously I can't wait..