Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Its Wednesday..27th of May..i think today is my lucky day..i woke up early around 10 something..err..is 10 considered early for a jobless girl like me?..then..i took a big gulp of ice-cream soda before i put on my red shirt and straight cut blue jeans..applying the sunblock all over my face and pu on some make-up..very light..just to cover the annoying eye-bag...spending my time in front of tv while eating 'keropok lekor'...yummy!!I love the sauce...then,.my instructor gave me a call around 1pm..oh no..i got buterflies inside me..and my heart was beating like it could explode in anytime...God..its a 'taking a JPJ test' day...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009
Its Monday..i supposed to go to work today...yes..i did,..i went to the office early in the morning today..before the sun show itself..then..i was told by the HR staff that the training is postpone to the different date..15 of June..ugh...nothing i can do...all i can say is..'owhh..occay..so i will come back on 15...thanks..'she said that she tried to call me many times last week..but she cant get through..really?you really did that?...nahh..i cant believe that...its sounds so fake...duhhh..i wish i am the boss..may be they would try to inform me no matter how and no matter what...yea..by hook or by crook...the power of Type Y authority..lalalaaa
Its almost 10pm..and i havent take a bath yet..i was just having my dinner..late dinner..pizza..chicken..mango...owhh..i love mango..i peeled the mango and ate it whilst watching x-men..i dont have an idea why should i watch x-men..the fact is i dont like the Wolverine show..its not because of its ugly look..but..i just dont have an idea why i dont like that movie..
HBO..SMV and Cinemax seems like they are running out of good movie to show..ya..i do understand that Astro keep repeating the shows..but, its not the problem..they should offer the subscribers good movies..not the boring 80s movies..ughhh..its not worth paying for bill..and now i just stuck in front of the PC..away from the boring tv shows...wish that they could improve the shows quality..hopefully....
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Being in a relationship is a bliss..but there is always another story when it comes to the word relationship..couple..spouse..soul mate..etc..etc..or whatever it is.As for me..i dont have any ideaof how long it will lasts..I have been in a serious relationship for more than a year..we are doing petty well..but..i cant see the future of us..its obviously that we are too far different from each other.I thought that when i already have you i could share whatever everything..material..>not to mention...feelings..secrets..anything..but i think we missed that part.It seems useless whenever i try to share with you how i hate it when you treat me like i was the only one to blame...and i dont know who else i should turn to...look what you have done to me..we were in the midddle discussing those stuffs that screwed us up..but it seems like things arent getting better..maybe i was quite too sensitive..or maybe it is because we fail to be a good listener to each other.it sounds like both of us need a new good listener to be with us.listening to the craps created by us..God..im so tired..i just cant stand it anymore..i thought things would become as easy as we were both thinking but i was wrong..there are so many things that we have to go through..and im not sure how long it will lasts..not sure whether both of us can stand those crap..because you and me are totally different..as i mentioned many times...
Friday, May 22, 2009

I miss my Donut so much.I thought that we would spend more time after i made a complain yesterday.He promise me to come back home early today...but..its 830pm and he is still outside..dining out and have fun with his friends.Ehmm..guys huhh..they would non-stop promising this and that to the girls...but end up...it leaves me 'mouth shut'.I wonder how would he reacts if i do the same thing..im very sure he'll be very bising from pm to am..wtf..
- I never allowed to go clubbing.
- I never allowed to wear my favorite shirt.
- I never allowed to go out with guy friends for movies,.lunch,.dinner..makan-makan..etc..etc..(but im so unlucky,.i allowed u to hang out with your girl friends,.go for sightseeing..makan-makan.)
- I never allowed to come backhome late..(bt u always come back home late..having dnner la..met up with friends la..futsal la...and the list goes on and on)
- You never wanted to listen to what i want to say...
- You always treat me like i was the only one who did the wrong thing.
- Keep saying that 'Sofie..u never appreciate me'..but the truth is...hunny..did u really appreciate me..?..we only left for today and tomorrow..
- Love to compare me with other girls...'hunny..u should learn from her to bake a cupcake'...she is good than...ughhh
- You love to change me...which i think i would never want to..you should know that when we love someone..we should love the way she/he is too..not changing her/him...
- 'U could never find a guy like me..a guy that can layan ur perangai'...how many times did u say that?..
- You would turn to a monster if i late replying your text...but what if you replying me late..?
Thursday, May 21, 2009
APRIL 26.1986
POSITIVE : Very strict, intelligent, precise in everything and that makes her so special. Thrifty and always think for the future. Obedient wife. Cold in sexual but if you know how to manage her, she full of grace.
NEGATIVE : Full of jealousy, materialistic, not keen with children and likes to quarrel even in small matters.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Friend..mate and pal..those are the words that connecting us, we, you and me with each other..a word that link and goes round and round..a word that create those meaningful day..those beautiful and hell day..and a word that link us to the future..we would never know what could happen in 5 years ahead.As for me..i will turn 28..and hopefully that i have reached the top of the 'hierarchy of need'..fulfill the physiological need..car, house, clothes..n more clothes.., Jimmy Choo's collection..etc...safety needs, the sense of belonging needs, self-esteem needs and self-actualization needs...Friend is someone who makes us to feel the sense of belonging..that is one of the reason i stand where i am now..it is because i stand to where i belong...
Here comes the word FRIEND..and a friendship makes thing happen..it leaves a memory..and sometimes, we, as a human feel miserable as a consequence of the word friend and friendship..and there is a moment we enjoy the friendship bliss..together we follow the rhymes of life..together we singing the rythm of joy..and sorrow.I would nver forget that,..back in high school..my friends and i were singing Graduation song..and the tears shed..packing all of our stuffs and waving goodbye..the same thing goes round and round again..2004, July..i was accepted to continue my study in a local university..making new friends..we were laughing together..crying and wee have been through many things together..and here comes the day that we wish each other good luck..friendship hug..we even exchange a gift..
25th of May..it will be the first day i officially to be kown as an employee..and again the rotation of FRIEND shows itself again..should take a really deep breath..i will find new friends at my woork place..colleague...the word of COLLEAGUE sounds freaky butterflies..it doesnt sounds friendly to me..all i could imagine is always something that opposite the word friend..well..maybe i watch too much drama..too much movie..melodramatic me...FRIEND or COLLEAGUE..they might be different with each other..but one thing or sure..both word would bring the same meaning...'a clan that be with us to get through everything'..
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009
Rock n Roll..

Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold
A guy will be a guy..telling lies whenever and wherever..blurting those words out to every one espcially to the WOMEN.We ask them to tell us the truth., and we end up getting more confuse and suspicios.Man..please..you guys are such a jerk..well..not all the time.
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009