I miss my Donut so much.I thought that we would spend more time after i made a complain yesterday.He promise me to come back home early today...but..its 830pm and he is still outside..dining out and have fun with his friends.Ehmm..guys huhh..they would non-stop promising this and that to the girls...but end up...it leaves me 'mouth shut'.I wonder how would he reacts if i do the same thing..im very sure he'll be very bising from pm to am..wtf..
List of things i dont like about him...
- I never allowed to go clubbing.
- I never allowed to wear my favorite shirt.
- I never allowed to go out with guy friends for movies,.lunch,.dinner..makan-makan..etc..etc..(but im so unlucky,.i allowed u to hang out with your girl friends,.go for sightseeing..makan-makan.)
- I never allowed to come backhome late..(bt u always come back home late..having dnner la..met up with friends la..futsal la...and the list goes on and on)
- You never wanted to listen to what i want to say...
- You always treat me like i was the only one who did the wrong thing.
- Keep saying that 'Sofie..u never appreciate me'..but the truth is...hunny..did u really appreciate me..?..we only left for today and tomorrow..
- Love to compare me with other girls...'hunny..u should learn from her to bake a cupcake'...she is good than...ughhh
- You love to change me...which i think i would never want to..you should know that when we love someone..we should love the way she/he is too..not changing her/him...
- 'U could never find a guy like me..a guy that can layan ur perangai'...how many times did u say that?..
- You would turn to a monster if i late replying your text...but what if you replying me late..?
Hunny..i think you would never understand me though you said that you really do..but do you??..I dont think so...
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