Friend..mate and pal..those are the words that connecting us, we, you and me with each other..a word that link and goes round and round..a word that create those meaningful day..those beautiful and hell day..and a word that link us to the future..we would never know what could happen in 5 years ahead.As for me..i will turn 28..and hopefully that i have reached the top of the 'hierarchy of need'..fulfill the physiological need..car, house, clothes..n more clothes.., Jimmy Choo's collection..etc...safety needs, the sense of belonging needs, self-esteem needs and self-actualization needs...Friend is someone who makes us to feel the sense of belonging..that is one of the reason i stand where i am now..it is because i stand to where i belong...
Here comes the word FRIEND..and a friendship makes thing happen..it leaves a memory..and sometimes, we, as a human feel miserable as a consequence of the word friend and friendship..and there is a moment we enjoy the friendship bliss..together we follow the rhymes of life..together we singing the rythm of joy..and sorrow.I would nver forget that,..back in high school..my friends and i were singing Graduation song..and the tears shed..packing all of our stuffs and waving goodbye..the same thing goes round and round again..2004, July..i was accepted to continue my study in a local university..making new friends..we were laughing together..crying and wee have been through many things together..and here comes the day that we wish each other good luck..friendship hug..we even exchange a gift..
25th of May..it will be the first day i officially to be kown as an employee..and again the rotation of FRIEND shows itself again..should take a really deep breath..i will find new friends at my woork place..colleague...the word of COLLEAGUE sounds freaky butterflies..it doesnt sounds friendly to me..all i could imagine is always something that opposite the word friend..well..maybe i watch too much drama..too much movie..melodramatic me...FRIEND or COLLEAGUE..they might be different with each other..but one thing or sure..both word would bring the same meaning...'a clan that be with us to get through everything'..
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