I think I need something green for my wardrobe..a green top maybe..I just realize that I only have one piece of green tee.The one that I baught for almost 4 years ago..when I was studying in Penang.Lime green with the gold-dust printed on it..and I must wear the white singlet or spaghetti inside tha green tee..it is because the shirt was designed to be paired with something white.Actually..I have tried mix and match the shirt with the yellow spaghetti..and it doesnt look well.It looked..damn..awkward.I end up just keep that geen shirt..neatly arranged inside my wardrob and never touch it again..untill now.Occay..so,.I guess that the history of my lime green shirt.But..all of a sudden..I feel like I really need to wear something green.Maybe I am getting sick of wearing pink..err..I am still in love with pink.Or..its not because of that..it..maybe the effect of the global waming.The weather is getting hot and its burning us all.Its pretty shocking that we could get sweaty for being under the sun only for a few second..not for a minute.Plus..we dont have a choice to choose to breath the fresh air.,man,.I hate to breath in the carbon monoxide.Everybody knows that it is unhealthy,.but do we have a choice..nah-uh,.I dont think so.How I wish that the air is cool and fresh..
About the green tee..I think though I only have one lime green tee..but it doesnt mean that I am going to buy another shirt with the same color..yes..I really want to buy the green top but not the 'lime green'..I know it sounds hot and so 'neon bright',.but I jut dont want the lime gren anymore..I guess having one of it is more than enough.I currently looking for the fresh looking of green shirt,.seriously looking for it..browsing and scrolling down the website,.flipping through the fashion magazines..erghhh...
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