Stripe dress,.top or could be blue,green,pink or the elegant black.I just love the stripe..they are easy to match.I can wear my blue stripe shirt with my frayed jeans.Owhh..I fall deeply in love with the blue stripe dress as shown in the picture above.Its really perfect for an evening out.Just pair it with that elegant back shoes..or white peep toe shoes for a day out with friends..and I have my own opinion to wear it a sexy way..untied that blue ribbon and replacce it with a dark blue wide belt.let the hair loose freely and covered those beautiful eyes from the UV rays with a big-super sized sunny..voila..I am ready to go..
My another obsession for acid wash jeans.Its cool yet it shows the 80s of the chic that put them on.I like the way Nicole Richie walk her way with that acid jeans and extra large sized white shirt.Boho sling bag,.super-sized sunnies,.and her blue-green skarf.Actually,.I havent got an acid jeans yet.Err..not even the washed out shorts..Thaats why I was thinking to get one for me..maybe the one from MNG..a bleached stains skinny jeans hat costs RM155.It looks damn hot and so -IN- for July and coming Halloween..
A complete..colorful..make up palette for eyes..Its either cream eye shadow,.shimmer or just back to basic eye shadow.I am so into these colorful,.rainbow eye shadow.The colors shine the world.Life seems so much more meaningful.The yellow cheers the makes everybody smile and happy.The black gives the mysterious look and it shows the elegant.I do feel sexy and bold with red.Pink reminds me a lot of the cotton is so sweet..pretty and soft.I am a big fan of pink.That ht pink awaken my sleepy eyes..and that shimmer pink injected some positivity in me.when it comes to the green..I think nobody cant resist the metallic and bold green to be lined and glides on their eye lids.I love the colors so much..
Gel liner for more dramatic look.Im gonna add the gel liner for eyes application into my 'to have' list.The effect is ten times better than the kohl liner.But,.it requires a few pratices to glide it on.Using the gel liner is something new for me..though it has been used for quite long time ago.I am thinking of getting a black gel liner from Maybelline..since I am not a pro yet and I cant afford the Laneige liner..yet.Plus..I need to get used to that tiny little brush for the application.
For the sake of my best skin.I put on a mask three times a week.Rose water..honey,.pomegranate,.lavender.H20..anything that I could get from the pharmacy.I put on the make up a lot and I think it is vital importance or me to really taking good are of it.Ddrink a lot of water..2 litre of plain water a day,.do the 3 basic skin care regimen..cleanse,.tones and moisturizes,.wearing mask for 2-3 times weekly..apply a sunblock before stepping out from the door,..the one that has a good SPF and PA++..scrub it once a week..exfoliate the dead skin I mean..thats all the way toway to a good...healthy glowing skin..I am now working hard on this..just wish me luck people..
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