Every night before I close my eyes..Donut will give a call to have a sweet chat and to wish me a to have a very good dream.But,.I do realize that calling me before sleep always makes my Donut wake up late and end up he got scolded by the lecturer.I feel so guilty!!I am the culprit for all of this.He doesn't have a good sleep at night..not enough sleep and he said that he frequently fall asleep in the class.Sometimes..he sleeps around 4am aand have to wake up for the 9am class.Less than 5 hours sleeping and its totally not enough.Its all because he has have to talk to me,.try to expplain to me why he can't really spending time with me on the phone.Ough..occay..I have to accept that because it is really TRUE.He got the points.Well..I have a solution for that actually..I told him to spend mre time talking on the Skype..video cam chat with me..It is much moree better.Yes..we do skype-ing each other.Everyday..but,.after saying hello..hi..Hunny..baby..then we just quiet.silent..as if we have nothing to say.Then after that,.he just spending time on his own.Doing reports..that he needs to submit by tuesday.No big deal.,because he got no choice other than to makesure its all done a day before submission date.Then..gaming!!I don't really compromise with it.Occay..I do understand that he needs his own space.Have to meet friends for games..spending times with your friends playing PS3.Then,.I end up waiting for him to get back to me before I go to bed.He did asking me to text him while he is away..but will e reply my text.??No..never..'I can't reply your text because I was crying over joy playing games'..thats what I have to deal with.Fantastic!!Then..coming back home,.waiting for him to step out from shower and dry his hair..after that,.lets go to sleep..Errgh..what he hell?.yea..we do spending ttime every day and every night, but why is it always work this way..I wonder.Calling me before sleep..you only want to hear those sweet word coming from my mouth..you don't want any complains or else you might spending time try to get me back to the line..and you patronizing me 'Yeah..I can't go to sleep..can't go to the class..'..God..!!I never say that you can't go to sleep..and listening to the lecture.Its a good thing hunny..the truth is I want you to know that I really miss spending time with you..a good quality time..not just sit in front of the PC ad thats all..no,.not that..when I try to explain to you...you start to patronize me and it hurts..it left me feeling so guilty!.and,end up I come to a conclusion.I don't want to complain anything to him..whatever happen between us is nothing to do with you.You don't want to hear comlains..because its totally distacting you..and annoy you.So,.I guess by pretending everything is fine will work for us.Well..may be I just need to talk to friends..ask for their advices..and thats it..end of the story.
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