My hunny is still not yet reach home..he,.at the moment at his friend's place..gaming as usual..and after that he would be going to the market.Buying food stock for a few days..may be for a week.I texted him and asked him to buy himself a good food..read meat..veggie and fresh fruits.I want him to have a balance diet beause he said he really want to reduce his weight.
Its almost 8pm..at my place..and I just had a chayote soup.I made it myself.Asian way..stir the chopped onion and garlic,.altogether with a dried shrimp and chilli,.then I just add the ddiced of chayote squash..stir until it become a bit tender and bring to boil..add some salt and pepper,..chicken sock powder..and slurrp.Easy to prepare..all I need is 15 minutes to get it ready into my soup bowl.It even tastier if I add fresh shrimp or crabmeat into my soup.,altogether with diced carrot..its yummy..Some people prefer to add chayote into their chicken soup..mix it together with iceberg lettuce by baking it,.sprinkle some salt and paprika.. and healthy virin olive it..Its totally would leave you crave for another bite..trust me..
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