Its Sunday and I decided just to stay at home..doing nothing.I really feel the need to calm myself today,.God,.Im quite nervous about tomorrow.First day being as an employer and for the first time ever I have to spend my 6am to 8pm outside of the house.,blend in with the people that I never know and never had a wish to know them,either.I just couldnt imagine what the hell is might happened to me tomorrow,.Im so clueless.Hope that tomorrow would bring a great day for me.
Sunday is also a great day for a home-movie marathon..that is watching TV.I woke up at 12 today and straight away spending for almost 4 hours sitting in front of he TV..Watching the British movie called Emma and The dark has rise.Both had pictured the beauty of the nature.I suddenly feel like I want to live in that English cottage,.beautiful garden,.listening to the pretty little birds early in the morning,.smell the sweetnes of the fresh dew on the rose petals.,touch the cold and soft grass..fresh air..lov eit so much.Not to mention the smell of the woods..it gives me an inspiration.Well..that movie gave me a little bit of 'Shakespeare'.Im so in love with it..isnt ir so sweet to have a tea with my Donut during the evening..talking about a beautiful day..sharing the nice story of the people around,.joking and sharing the laugh together..and it would becoming an unforgetable moment for he both of us.
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