Its been 4 days I didnt updating my scratch.There were lots of thing happened,.lots to share and lots to think of..I just started a week as a sales executive and it was damn tiring.Physically and mentally..not to mention the newly formed of my eyebag..God,.it is getting worst..and ugly.I need more sleeping time.6 hours a night is not for a girl like me.I need at least minimum 7 hours to keep me stay fresh..and radiant.Ough..that sounds like I am on TV..The truth is..I hate it so much when I didnt get enough sleep..I feel like dead..My brain fail to function well...and I feel damn weak.As if I walk and crossing the desert island..alone,.miserable..I was totally messed up.Man..this job kinda tough to me.I dont like it..plus,.I have to use 100% of my energy waking up early in the morning,.530 am every day except for weekend.Walking to the monorail station,.to the office,.to the food court,.to the bus stop.Its freaking tiring,.and I am getting sick of all these.It is good that if I can fall asleep easily whenever I get through the tough day.At least I would not feel like I am dead,..now.I just dont get it why I cannot sleep though I know that my body and my mind crucially need it.and..I do yawn zillion of times..I am thinking of applying a new job in other industries..well..maybe I will opt for the hospitality line.Its not bad by the way,.working in the hotel though as a Guest Service Agent.At least I enjoy doing my work..less potential getting wrinkles on my face.Everybody knows that 'Happy' is an anti-aging.,naturally.And..there is another fact of me,.I dont really aim to get more money 'by my own'.I just want to have a beautiful life,.exactly what I want.My current job demanding my full commitment on it which I already knew that I am not going to give it a try for so long.A month is more than enough for me.So,.I guess...tomorrow is going to be the day where I would be busy like a bee looking and selecting the vacant job and applying like hell..
rileks soph..
ReplyDeleteu'll get thru it kelak..
its just a matter of tym consuming.
dun worry.
smua org melalui saat2 mcmya.
aku pun still menunggu keja.
yea. ur right. balancing ya yg a bit ssh.
tp,bila ko dh biasa,its okeyla~
keep holding on~
ehm..hope so..
ReplyDeletebut seriously..this JOB drives me crazy babe..
i have to find another job...other line maybe..