I went to The Mines today..was enjoying myself buying the office wear.2 skirts and 1 black blouse.I really love the blouse..its unique though its black.And whats the best thing about it..was the price.Oh..God..I baught it for only RM34.I was about to buy both black and white blouses..but then I end up to bring home the black.Its the same design..why should I waste my money on it.Guess,.I better buy the different design of the wite blouse..later.About the skirts..I guess today was a Chanel-to-be day.Both 2 of my skirts are black and white.I cant wait to wear them.Hope it would suits me well..really,..really well..and the next I expect from them is..comfort.Its a big matter to me.That is why I really fall in love with the cotton..they are comfortable,.down-to-earth price,.easy to wash..and it even sexy to wear.They really are..it is effortless to look sexy by wearing them.And..there is another thing.I suddenly feels that it is a must for me to have a vintage dress..or maybe..skirt..top..whatever it could be..but,.can I wear those vintage to the office..or it would create another issue??..I only been working for a week..and I start to get sick of wearing those boring office wear.Cant I just wearing whatever I like..and I really wish that I could wear my ballerina flat to the office.,not to forget the fully covered stockings..and leggings..and I wonder when would I wear my green panelled boho dress to the work place..it would look really nice when paired with the legging and my white peep-toed shoes..it is.Ough..may be I should stop dreaming..It wont happen.Id better get myself used to those ugly office wear..damn..I wonder how long I can stand of all this shit..its really torturing me..mentally of course.
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